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Badge "Honorary worker of the worker-peasant militia" (XV years) Type 1932-33-ies COPY |
25.45$ |
25.45$ |
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Medal "For the Defence of Leningrad". WW2 USSR military award. COPY |
12.73$ |
12.73$ |
× |
5th Squadron (White movement). Revolution Russia. COPY |
33.67$ |
33.67$ |
× |
Order for Service to the Homeland in the Armed Forces of the USSR 1974-1991 (2nd class). USSR military award. COPY |
54.55$ |
54.55$ |
× |
Order of St. Andrew. COPY |
81.82$ |
81.82$ |
× |
Medal of Suvorov 1994. USSR civilian award. COPY |
12.73$ |
12.73$ |
× |
Badge Excellent in forest industrial cooperation of the Ukrainian SSR. 40th COPY |
18.18$ |
18.18$ |
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Badge "Excellent pontoneer" COPY |
14.55$ |
29.10$ |
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Badge *Best steel maker* COPY |
21.82$ |
43.64$ |
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Badge "Sharpshooter" COPY |
14.55$ |
14.55$ |
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Badge Marine Infantry School. *For excellent shooting* 1923 year COPY |
29.09$ |
29.09$ |
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Badge *Honorary railroad.* From 1934 to the 60-ies COPY |
21.82$ |
21.82$ |
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Badge *Stakhanovists gold and platinum industry.* Since 1936 COPY |
21.82$ |
21.82$ |
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Badge of the Life Guards regiment of Volyn. 1917 year COPY |
43.64$ |
43.64$ |
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Badge *Hero of the events at the factory "Arsenal"* 1927 year COPY |
43.64$ |
43.64$ |
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Officer's Cross of St. George 3-rd degree. Pre-revolutionary Russia. COPY |
32.73$ |
32.73$ |
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For 50 tank battle. WW2 German military sign. COPY |
18.18$ |
18.18$ |
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1-st Kiev Konstantinovsky Military School. COPY |
40.00$ |
40.00$ |